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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Level Up: Intra-familial versus Extra-familial Youth Sexual Offenders
Youth who commit sexual offenses are an understudied population, however, their crimes have lasting impacts on their victims and it is important to learn more about this group. The existing literature in this field mainly focuses on individual characteristics. The current research project is hoping to add to the clinical understanding of family characteristics of youth who commit intrafamilial sexual offenses. Data has been collected from approximately 200 files from four groups of youth: 1) who have committed an intrafamilial sexual offense, 2) have committed an extrafamilial sexual offense, 3) have committed a non-sexual offense, or 4) have no criminal history (clinically referred group). The research project has been a community collaboration with Alberta Health Services and MacEwan University. We want to hire a statistics student to assist with the data analysis. The student will analyze the data using R, conducting factor analysis and discriminate analysis and creating effective graphs to visualize the results. Position(s) available: 1

Level Up: Modelling Impact of Anesthetic Gas Use on Cost and Environment
Data from the University Hospital at the University of Iowa on the use of anesthetic gases between the years 2011 and 2020 is being investigated by the team of researchers including Dr. Rakesh Sondekoppam (Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesia - Acute Pain and Regional Anesthesia, U of Iowa), Dr. Timur Ozelsel (Associate Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Alberta), and Dr. Karen Buro (Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, MacEwan University). The data includes over 300.000 records and provides substantial insight into the history of use of different anesthetic agents and their cost and environmental impact. The team would like to hire a student to help with the investigation on which factors are driving cost and environmental impact in anesthesiology. The student will be responsible to fit different models for investigating the effectiveness of non-parametric methods in this analysis and creating graphs visualizing the results. We will be using R for the analysis. Position(s) available: 1

Level Up: Graphic Design for Statistical Consulting Center
The Research Office and the Faculty of Arts & Science will establish a Statistical Consulting Center at MacEwan University. We seek a student to design graphics to advertise and represent the new consulting center. We are particularly interested in creating a logo that combines Statistics and MacEwan. We will use the logo on the center’s website and all communications like slides and letters related to the center. The successful candidate can add the product to their professional portfolio. The Statical Consulting Center will launch in January, and we hope to complete this project as soon as possible.