Level Up: Modelling Impact of Anesthetic Gas Use on Cost and Environment

Project scope
Data analysisSkills
pain management anesthesias anesthesiology parametric methods mathematics researchData from the University Hospital at the University of Iowa on the use of anesthetic gases between the years 2011 and 2020 is being investigated by the team of researchers including Dr. Rakesh Sondekoppam (Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesia - Acute Pain and Regional Anesthesia, U of Iowa), Dr. Timur Ozelsel (Associate Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Alberta), and Dr. Karen Buro (Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, MacEwan University). The data includes over 300.000 records and provides substantial insight into the history of use of different anesthetic agents and their cost and environmental impact.
The team would like to hire a student to help with the investigation on which factors are driving cost and environmental impact in anesthesiology. The student will be responsible to fit different models for investigating the effectiveness of non-parametric methods in this analysis and creating graphs visualizing the results. We will be using R for the analysis.
Position(s) available: 1
The student will be working in close collaboration with Dr. Buro. Weekly meetings will be organized as required, and results will be communicated in group meeting to the other team members.
About the company
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics provides a vibrant and supportive home base for students who want to study mathematics and statistics. Our growing department is home to excellent scholars and has a deep commitment to student success, whether taking math as a requirement or as a pursuit of passion. Our faculty members are dedicated to providing an education that emphasizes the knowledge and broad analytical skills that are valuable in today’s world.
Beyond the classroom, our department organizes Torus Talks, a regular presentation series where faculty and students share insights into the uses and versatility of mathematics and statistics, and a Math Help Centre, where students can access additional support in mastering their course work.