- Description
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics provides a vibrant and supportive home base for students who want to study mathematics and statistics. Our growing department is home to excellent scholars and has a deep commitment to student success, whether taking math as a requirement or as a pursuit of passion. Our faculty members are dedicated to providing an education that emphasizes the knowledge and broad analytical skills that are valuable in today’s world.
Beyond the classroom, our department organizes Torus Talks, a regular presentation series where faculty and students share insights into the uses and versatility of mathematics and statistics, and a Math Help Centre, where students can access additional support in mastering their course work.
- Number of employees
- 0 - 1 employees
- Categories
- Data analysis
- Industries
- Education
Recent projects
Optimization methods for agriculture insurance
This project is an application of mathematical modelling and optimization to a livestock insurance problem. The goal is to analyze various scenarios from a farmer’s perspective and to minimize the loss. The main idea is to design and implement in Python a numerical simulation, including various scenarios in terms of the farm size and insurance premiums.
Learning Partial Differential Equations with fMRI Data
In this project, we apply an appropriate data-driven method to derive the potential partial differential equation model hidden in an fMRI dataset collected by Visconti di Oleggio Castello, Matteo et al. (2020). This dataset records the responses of 25 subjects who watched part of the feature film "The Grand Budapest Hotel" by Wes Anderson.
Summer Statistical Consulting Projects
I taught STAT 496 (Statistical Consulting Project) in Winter 2023, a capstone course for our applied statistics majors. A couple of projects required follow-up; I would like to recruit a student to complete the necessary follow-up and handle several new consulting projects in the summer. I currently have two potential projects (Lyne Honey from psychology and Ross Shaw from biology) and three new consulting projects.
Level Up: Intra-familial versus Extra-familial Youth Sexual Offenders
Youth who commit sexual offenses are an understudied population, however, their crimes have lasting impacts on their victims and it is important to learn more about this group. The existing literature in this field mainly focuses on individual characteristics. The current research project is hoping to add to the clinical understanding of family characteristics of youth who commit intrafamilial sexual offenses. Data has been collected from approximately 200 files from four groups of youth: 1) who have committed an intrafamilial sexual offense, 2) have committed an extrafamilial sexual offense, 3) have committed a non-sexual offense, or 4) have no criminal history (clinically referred group). The research project has been a community collaboration with Alberta Health Services and MacEwan University. We want to hire a statistics student to assist with the data analysis. The student will analyze the data using R, conducting factor analysis and discriminate analysis and creating effective graphs to visualize the results. Position(s) available: 1
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