Zebrafish pharmacology and behavioural neuroscience phase 2
This project will involve examination of pharmacological compounds on the behaviorual response of zebrafish. Compounds will be applied both acutely and repeatedly to examine a potential differential impact. Students will be involved in the experiment, data collection, analysis, and the drafting of the results.
Attention and motor control research assistant: Winter 2024
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete attention and visuomotor tasks using touch screens. These data will help us better understand the relationship between attention and visuomotor control. The student will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. The student will be asked to prepare a brief final report summarizing their findings.
Creating a flexible and immersive virtual reality system for psychology research
Creating immersive virtual reality (VR) systems and environments, as well as flexible software development toolkits, for research. This flexible system will be used to further the research objectives of various faculty members in Psychology looking to study cognition using virtual reality systems.
Zebrafish pharmacology and behavioural neuroscience
This project will involve examination of pharmacological compounds on the behaviorual response of zebrafish. Compounds will be applied both acutely and repeatedly to examine a potential differential impact. Students will be involved in the experiment, data collection, analysis, and the drafting of the results.
Wellbeing & Cognitive Processes and the Animal - Human Bond (Phase 3)
This project is designed to facilitate the design and communication of research on how pet animals influence psychological wellbeing and cognitive processes (e.g., social perceptions/relationship dynamics, memory, judgements). Project team members will be responsible for designing/deploying research tools to achieve project deliverables, statistical analysis, and engage in knowledge mobilization activities.
Motor control research assistant Phase 2
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor tasks using touch screens. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and the degree to which we have conscious control over our actions. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a brief final report summarizing their findings.
Wellbeing & Cognitive Processes and the Animal - Human Bond (Phase 2)
This project is designed to facilitate the design and communication of research on how pet animals influence psychological wellbeing and cognitive processes (e.g., social perceptions/relationship dynamics, memory, judgements). Project team members will be responsible for designing/deploying research tools to achieve project deliverables, statistical analysis, and engage in knowledge mobilization activities.
Wellbeing & Cognitive Processes and the Animal - Human Bond (Phase 1)
This project is designed to facilitate the design and communication of research on how pet animals influence psychological wellbeing and cognitive processes (e.g., social perceptions/relationship dynamics, memory, judgements). Project team members will be responsible for designing/deploying research tools to achieve project deliverables, statistical analysis, and engage in knowledge mobilization activities.
Behavioural Neuroscience in Zebrafish Spring-Summer 2023 (Phase 2)
This project will involve behavioural neuroscience testing in zebrafish. Students will perform application of various compounds of interest and study behavioural responses with a variety of paradigms. Potential substances of interest include toxicants like PFOS, legal drugs like ethanol and nicotine, as well as terpenes, to name a few. The goal will be to study dose-dependent impacts of these substances on anxiety-like behaviour and locomotion
Behavioural Neuroscience in Zebrafish Spring-Summer 2023 (Phase 1)
This project will involve behavioural neuroscience testing in zebrafish. Students will perform application of various compounds of interest and study behavioural responses with a variety of paradigms. Potential substances of interest include toxicants like PFOS, legal drugs like ethanol and nicotine, as well as terpenes, to name a few. The goal will be to study dose-dependent impacts of these substances on anxiety-like behaviour and locomotion
Motor control research assistant: Spring 2023
I have positions available for 2 students for 80 hours each to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor tasks using touch screens. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and the degree to which we have conscious control over our actions. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a brief final report summarizing their findings.
Measure of infrasound across Alberta
The goal of this project will be to explore the levels of infrasound in various parts of the province. Infrasound is a low frequency sound below 20Hz that can be found naturally in traffic, low-rumbling pipes, and during thunderstorms among other sources. Infrasound has been associated with feelings of fear and anxiety, but also feelings of awe and wonder. In this project, the student will measure infrasound in naturally occurring settings as well as in settings such as concerts, public lecture halls, and heavy traffic/LRT areas.
Measure of infrasound across Alberta
The goal of this project will be to explore the levels of infrasound in various parts of the province. Infrasound is a low frequency sound below 20Hz that can be found naturally in traffic, low-rumbling pipes, and during thunderstorms among other sources. Infrasound has been associated with feelings of fear and anxiety, but also feelings of awe and wonder. In this project, the student will measure infrasound in naturally occurring settings as well as in settings such as concerts, public lecture halls, and heavy traffic/LRT areas.
Assessing Methods to Reduce Student Stress
This project is designed to assess the efficacy of various activities that are promoted to reduce stress in a University-level population (e.g., mindful colouring, puzzling, animal visitation programs, etc.). Activity participants will complete up to 2-hours of assessment using psychological (e.g., self-report) and physiological (e.g., blood pressure monitoring, respiration rate, etc.) measures for stress, both pre- and post-task. Due to the time consuming and complex nature of the assessments, a team student research technicians are required. By the end of the project, student research technicians will have completed a large number of assessments on participants under a variety of conditions, and completed data organization and storage tasks.
Behavioural Neuroscience in Zebrafish (Phase 4)
This project will involve behavioural neuroscience testing in zebrafish. Students will perform application of various compounds of interest and study behavioural responses with a variety of paradigms. Potential substances of interest include toxicants like PFOS, legal drugs like ethanol and nicotine, as well as terpenes, to name a few. The goal will be to study dose-dependent impacts of these substances on anxiety-like behaviour and locomotion
Research assistant, Data analysis, Phase 1
The main goal of the project is to statistically analyze data to determine the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on visual attention. The research assistant will be expected to help with sorting and statistically analyzing data from a large dataset of human participants.
Behavioural Neuroscience in Zebrafish (Phase 3)
This project will involve behavioural neuroscience testing in zebrafish. Students will perform application of various compounds of interest and study behavioural responses with a variety of paradigms. Potential substances of interest include toxicants like PFOS, legal drugs like ethanol and nicotine, as well as terpenes, to name a few. The goal will be to study dose-dependent impacts of these substances on anxiety-like behaviour and locomotion
Narcissism and links to Animal Care, Behaviour, and Ownership - PHASE 2
Sub-clinical levels of narcissism varies widely between individuals. To date, there has been very little research investigating how sub-clinical narcissistic personal traits relate to the care and ownership of animals. Furthermore, little is also known about how narcissistic personality traits in animal owners or caregivers influence the animal's behaviour. This project is designed to extend work conducted in PHASE 1 of this project by developing and deploying at least one follow-up study on the subject matter.
Narcissism and links to Animal Care, Behaviour, and Ownership - PHASE 3
Sub-clinical levels of narcissism vary widely between individuals. To date, there has been very little research investigating how sub-clinical narcissistic personal traits relate to the care and ownership of animals. Furthermore, little is also known about how narcissistic personality traits in animal owners or caregivers influence the animal's behaviour. This project is designed to extend work conducted in PHASE 2 of this project by assisting with data organization, cleaning, and analysis. It will also involve knowledge mobilization activities related to the project deployed in PHASE 2. Lastly, this project will have the additional goal of developing a project coordination, deployment, and knowledge mobilization plan for in-progress and planned research in the employer’s lab for 2023-2024.
Narcissism and links to Animal Care, Behaviour, and Ownership - PHASE 1
Sub-clinical levels of narcissism varies widely between individuals. To date, there has been very little research investigating how sub-clinical narcissistic personal traits relate to the care and ownership of animals. Furthermore, little is also known about how narcissistic personality traits in animal owners or caregivers influence the animal's behaviour. This project is designed to begin investigating these important questions.
Social Perception PART 3
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to conduct data cleaning and organizing and carry out statistical data analyses for a project that examines perceptions of Canadian political leaders.
Psychology Crime Lab @ MacEwan - Research Lab Manager
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to manage the Psychology Crime Lab @ MacEwan (PCL@M). The PCL@M has multiple research studies focused on violence prevention, intervention, and management, using a number of methodologies that include online experiments, archival data coding study, and police record review and data collection research, as well as reviews of the literature on related topics. The student would learn how to both engage in various aspects of these studies and oversee and delegate tasks for these studies given they would be at various stages in the research process. The student would gain skills in managing empirical research, collaborating with other students researchers, and corresponding with other community partner organizations, particularly in law enforcement. The goal of this project for a student research assistant is to learn how to manage a research program with multiple studies to examine forensic psychological research questions.
CSVR Project Research Assistants
I have positions available for up to 4 students for 80 hours each to develop and implement an online experiment in the Psychology Crime Lab @ MacEwan (PCL@M) supervised by Dr. Sandy Jung. The students on this team would learn how to conduct a literature review on risk factors related to campus sexual violence, develop stimuli and dependent variables for an online experiment, contribute to completing an ethics application, and build the online experiment through a survey platform (i.e., Qualtrics). The goal of this research project is to engage undergraduate students in the development of an experiment that examines student perceptions of perpetrators who have committed campus sexual violence. The goal of this project for a student research assistant is to learn how to develop experiments to examine an empirical research question in the social sciences.
Nature of Fandom: A Qualitative Analysis
This project involves data collection for a large scale analysis of perspectives on music fandom. The project will provide insights into the nature of fandom and applies to both marketing and consumer behaviour. This research will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal upon completion.
Behavioural Neuroscience in Zebrafish (Phase 2)
This project will involve behavioural neuroscience testing in zebrafish. Students will perform application of various compounds of interest and study behavioural responses with a variety of paradigms. Potential substances of interest include toxicants like PFOS, legal drugs like ethanol and nicotine, as well as terpenes, to name a few. The goal will be to study dose-dependent impacts of these substances on anxiety-like behaviour and locomotion
Level Up: Research Assistant - Systematic Review - Secondary Screening Phase 3
The research assistants will support the research initiatives under the guidance of research faculty. Areas of inquiry include psychology, atypical development, neurodevelopment.
Level-up: Motor control research assistant, Phase 2 (March-April, 2023)
I have positions available for 2 students for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor learning tasks that require them to adapt to optically displacing prism goggles while reaching to targets. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and how different parts of the brain are involved in visuomotor learning. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a final report summarizing their findings.
Level-up: Motor control research assistant, Phase 1 (Jan-Feb, 2023)
I have positions available for 2 students for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor learning tasks that require them to adapt to optically displacing prism goggles while reaching to targets. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and how different parts of the brain are involved in visuomotor learning. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a final report summarizing their findings.
Social Perception PART 2
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to conduct data cleaning and organizing and carry out statistical data analyses for a project that examines perceptions of political leaders.
Social Perception PART 1
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to develop, implement, and oversee an experiment for a project that examines perceptions of political leaders.