Psychology Crime Lab @ MacEwan - Research Lab Manager

Project scope
Data analysis Community engagement Social sciences Scientific researchSkills
empirical research literature reviews communication ethical standards and conduct survey platforms writing research psychology qualtrics managementI have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to manage the Psychology Crime Lab @ MacEwan (PCL@M). The PCL@M has multiple research studies focused on violence prevention, intervention, and management, using a number of methodologies that include online experiments, archival data coding study, and police record review and data collection research, as well as reviews of the literature on related topics. The student would learn how to both engage in various aspects of these studies and oversee and delegate tasks for these studies given they would be at various stages in the research process. The student would gain skills in managing empirical research, collaborating with other students researchers, and corresponding with other community partner organizations, particularly in law enforcement. The goal of this project for a student research assistant is to learn how to manage a research program with multiple studies to examine forensic psychological research questions.
Learn to work with other student researchers by ensuring they stay on task. This would involve developing Gantt charts, regularly communicating and corresponding, and seeking solutions to research obstacles and challenges. (20 hours)
Learn to review relevant peer-reviewed literature. This would involve becoming familiar with various topics and writing for various purposes that include but are not limited to research ethics applications, literature reviews, and introductions to empirical articles. (20 hours)
Learn to execute data collection tasks. This would involve using a survey platform (e.g., Qualtrics) and designing coding forms for use with criminal justice records. (20 hours)
Learn to correspond and comply with partner organizations. This would involve completion of security protocols, review and comprehension of guidelines and policies, and constant communication with the research supervisor and the liaison at partner organizations. (20 hours)
I will provide all of the necessary training, access to Qualtrics and the research ethics platform, and library resources necessary to complete the project. In addition, I will ensure that the student has access to training opportunities (e.g., use of risk tools such as ODARA 101 course on domestic violence risk assessment). I will also be directly involved in supervision of the student lab manager and the volunteer students involved with this project. I will meet with the student once per week (remotely) to monitor progress and provide assistance and feedback as needed.
About the company
The Department of Psychology is a large and dynamic department, offering both a major and a minor in psychology in both the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, and a honours degree option. Our 23 tenured and tenure-track faculty members are engaged in research in all areas of psychology, and, in addition to offering a high caliber of classroom instruction, students are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities such as honours and independent studies to add further depth to their educational experience. Field placements in clinical psychology, at a variety of community organizations, is also made available to eligible students.