Zach Empson
Mohamad El-Hajj
September 19, 2022
Team feedback
Excellent Job.
Front end design

Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP

Level UP-Building online tutorials for a web development project (Phase 2)
MacEwan University: Department of Computer Science
Mohamad El-Hajj
August 30, 2022
Team feedback
Excellent Job. You have exceeded my expectation in this project. I hope we will continue together in the next phase.
Python (programming language)
K-nearest neighbors algorithm

Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP

Level UP-Prediction of functional COVID data
MacEwan University: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Mohamad El-Hajj
August 13, 2022
Team feedback
Zack did an excellent job in building the tutorials. He learned the technology very quickly, and he met all deadlines. I am excited to start phase 2 of our project.
Django (web framework)
Web servers
Front end design
React.js (javascript library)

Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP

Level UP-Building online tutorials for a web development project
MacEwan University: Department of Computer Science