Individual endorsement
Naomi was an absolute joy to work with throughout the duration of my project. She was able to absorb the complexities of the project with ease, and deliver a final product that was exceptionally well researched and written. I would highly recommend Naomi for future Riipen projects!
Team feedback

Individual endorsement
What a pleasure working with Naomi, Thank you so much, you have such a bright future ahead!! Thank you for your contribution to this important project!
Team feedback

Individual endorsement
Throughout her internship, Naomi showcased remarkable qualities that greatly enhanced our teamβs efforts. Her strong research skills allowed her to efficiently gather and analyze information, leading to insightful findings that informed our outreach strategies. Naomiβs attention to detail ensured that every contact was thoroughly vetted, contributing to the accuracy of our outreach list. She also demonstrated excellent communication skills, regularly sharing updates and collaborating effectively with team members. Her proactive attitude and enthusiasm for the project not only inspired those around her but also highlighted her commitment to making a meaningful impact. Naomi truly exemplified what it means to be an engaged and dedicated intern.
Team feedback

Team feedback

Team feedback