Level UP: CSVR Project Research Assistant, Stage 2 (Nov-Dec 2022)

Project scope
Data analysis Social sciencesSkills
data cleansing spss (statistical software) survey platforms qualtrics research experimentation health risk assessmentsI have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to implement and oversee an experiment, write components of a research experiment (e.g., method, results), conduct data cleaning and organizing, and carry out statistical data analyses for a project that examines perceived risk factors for perpetration of campus sexual violence. The student would learn how to write an APA-formatted literature review on risk factors related to gender based violence and campus sexual violence, experimental method section, and statistical data analyses results section. The student would also learn (1) how to extract data from a survey platform (i.e., Qualtrics), and (2) how to engage in data cleaning, organizing, and analyses, using SPSS. The goal of this research project is to engage undergraduate students in the development of an experiment that would examine student perceptions of campus sexual violence risk factors.
- Learn to summarize relevant peer-reviewed literature and write a method section: Complete 25 hours of reviewing and summarizing peer-reviewed literature (student can perform this work remotely)
- Learn to extract data and then clean and organize the data in SPSS: Complete 20 hours of extracting data from a survey platform and cleaning and organizing the data through SPSS (student can perform this work remotely)
- Learn statistical analyses, how to conduct them on data from an experiment, and how to summarize the analyses: Complete 30 hours of building an experiment on a survey platform (student can perform this work remotely)
- Learn to coordinate a research project, including managing a small research team of undergraduate volunteers (2-3 other students): Complete 5 hours of correspondence and meetings with other students (both remote and in-person)
I will provide all of the necessary training, access to Qualtrics, relevant literature, and access to SPSS, which are all necessary to complete the project. I will also be directly involved in supervision of the student RA and the volunteer students involved with this project. I will meet with the student once per week (remotely) to monitor progress and provide assistance and feedback as needed.
About the company
The Department of Psychology is a large and dynamic department, offering both a major and a minor in psychology in both the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, and a honours degree option. Our 23 tenured and tenure-track faculty members are engaged in research in all areas of psychology, and, in addition to offering a high caliber of classroom instruction, students are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities such as honours and independent studies to add further depth to their educational experience. Field placements in clinical psychology, at a variety of community organizations, is also made available to eligible students.