Transcription for Project- Duo-ethnographic Enquiry on Consent as Pedagogy

Project scope
Community engagement Education Social sciences Social justiceSkills
pedagogy transcribing research writing trauma careThe student will be responsible for transcribing two multi-hour interview recordings from a project titled "Consent as pedagogy: A duoethnographic dream-mapping inquiry into the (im)possibilities of consent in K-20 schools." The student will also be responsible for drafting an article based on the transcripts. The project is a duoethnographic (Sawyer & Norris, 2012) dream-mapping project (Cavanaugh, 2022), where two educator-researchers reflect on how consent was absent in theory K-20 experiences and restory (Coleman, 2020; Thomas & Stornaiuolo, 2016) consent as a pedagogical framework. Through dialoguing and creating dream-maps, they imagine consent as an anticolonial, antiracist, queer/trans, femme-inist, crip, and mad logic. The findings of this project will contribute to education research aiming to develop anti-violent, trauma-informed K-20 schools.
The task for this project is to transcribe an interview recording word for word. The student should also include in the transcription process things such as moments of laugher, silences/pauses, etc. to help capture the tone of the interview in the recording. The student will also be writing up an article on the topic.
I will provide initial direction and a background on the overarching study so that the student will be clear about what the objectives of the transcription are. I will be available to meet with the student should there be any challenges during the process. I will supervise the student by checking in with them about the progress of the work to make sure they feel the work is on track.
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Flexible, diverse, integrated—our undergraduate program provides an educational experience that meets students’ specific interests. Through community-based assignments, independent study courses, Honours projects and integrated-learning opportunities, our students choose their own paths as fully engaged learners and researchers.